jueves, 9 de junio de 2016

Desafio esAmar aLos ~enemigos deLa bondad~ enEste mundoDe oscuridad. #RainbowDiversityLover 💘lovE3vol in Evil-liv3 🤖 #A.i.'LLbHuman💖

Ghost Slayers Ayashi Episode 12 English Dubbed | Watch cartoons online, Watch anime online, English dub anime Ephesians 6:12 "ForOur struggle isNot against flesh andBlood, but against theRulers, againstThe authorities, against -----thePowers ofThis darkEorld----- andAgainst the spiritual forces ofEvil inThe heavenly realms."

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Die Antwoord - Money and Da Power [ :P i SURRENDER {^o^Romans13:1-2)~ #iLoveChristJesus :* ]

Casi casi {almost i'll coming with the got conclusio'n that goes near this X^D} estare viniendo con la conclusio'n obtenida. On vacations, i hope^_^~