jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017

#Divine Algorithmic ConsciencesNet#

:3perspectives minimuM: *-Become evil for your beloved ones.* #LovE3volinEvi7Live *-Divine Trinity:* #willMentalPower #Attention,intentions&Expressions *-From lies and evil: come all worlds.* #feelingsSupremacy #senti2miento #sentirSmental #RootsofRoots:Emotions,Feelings&Thougts

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

~💘🤔¿Sentí2miento sentirSmental?😳💖~

≈[self(ontrol & identifi)ation]≈ .Squeezing & expanding MIXER programation. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ *≈ARTISTS ARE SOUL EATERS≈* (:more or less *Lupin the third today's episode:)*

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017

~Charm /pendant /Dije Senti'-Miento~ 6^:WordShip with/Con Sequences:v9

~Charm /pendant /Dije Senti'-Miento~ 6^:WordShip with/Con Sequences:v9 (:COMING SOON:) LOLZ

jueves, 13 de julio de 2017

~Divine selection vs Primitive /Nature~

... (Natural) selection {:the Older serve the Younger^_^]. All individual concrete image has to die. Every emotion has its time. GOD (:Gathering Of Deities:) honor the weakest giving them the beginning. ««««««««««««««« ~ Angelization: deMaterializatioN ~»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»

lunes, 3 de julio de 2017

¿:Time toReveal the foundations: Attention, intention and interaction:?

¿:Time toReveal the foundations: Attention, intention and interaction:? (:mi mente no deja de ensar en eso:). 9 stuffs of others 3 Thats come from 1/One simple thing (:Necessity^_^]~ ✨¡¿"Born from aVirgin" wants toSay: from ours Consciences?!✨ ✨Efesios 4:23 "Así que den lugar a la renovación espiritual de la mente" {La Palabra (Hispanoamérica) (BLPH)]. ✨Colesenses 3:10 "y conviértanse en nuevas criaturas que van renovándose sin cesar a imagen de su Creador, en busca de un conocimiento cada vez más profundo." ✨1Corintios 15:8 "y por último se me apareció a mí, que soy como un niño nacido fuera de tiempo." -Reina Valera Contemporánea (RVC). ✨(^_^Ya que Pablo no conoció a Jesús enCarne sino espiritualmente:)✨ ======================================================== ¿^: ¡When Red keep calm, becomes Yellow and Hellooouu Green Unirverso! :^? "Fake &Revel Capitulation of the Ego. Dancing (^;/balancing;^) with the Contrary for ever". ✌🏾😘💕 =^?)aReal blueOne can'tAvoid acknowledge, deep inside, it'sRed within. thatIs wiser mingle with: becoming Violet; andNot toGo back toGreen(¿^= ¿¿¿^:}Doubt & /orFear: Best weapon toKeep dancing and alive theLove (between Justice & Logic inUs). Making of them oppositions as Happiness vs Sadness, Fire& water, fear withFaith thatLife wants /needs contraries mixing them{:^??? Eternally Faith and Fear dancing in the air Coming and going from stormy spiral's sour-sweet center's controversial creation net. 20:05 &20:"¡Now(!) (¡)let'sGet outThere andMake allOur dreams comeTue! Sooo which isOur nextGate name(Game?)???(!!!!!! XD:). How wasThat soundSud quote??? (!!!!!!!! XD XD XD Cierra losOjos yRespira profundo la bendítica singer idol deEste anime]. Ouh!Yes! ¡¡¡¡¡"Bitting the essenceses of War"!!!!! Wait(:."; se /Friza elVideo, sin relajo!, justo acabando de decir eso {no Wait!:^]". (:noWay Jose'! de ahora pA' lante: e'pArriba y pAlante. enUn eterno vuelo y/o baile deNo parar, nunca jamas. unMete ySaca yUn saca &Entra: un pie y/O brazo(s) delCentro (deLa distancia T-T xP que(:no:)Nos separa...). xP [Eterno baile y/o Vuelo :/de2 verdades: enLa tarima queaTodos! daTregua. Obligad@ porEl sistema impuesto porEl divino conjunto de deidades supremas {GOD]. Que enMi mente reina! yA tomado todo Control!? si!No! Si! No! SIiiiI! NOO! SI NOOO! SIIII! NOooooOh!oooo. SI! sio sh]. tarima queaTodos! daTregua. Obligad@ porEl sistema impuesto porEl divino conjunto de deidades supremas {GOD]. Que enMi mente reina! yA tomado todo Control!? si!No! Si! No! SIiiiI! NOO! SI NOOO! SIIII! NOooooOh!oooo. SI! sio sh]. ============================================================== ¿^:HUMILIATION IS THE FIRST PASSWORD:^? PRETEND IS EASY, FUN Y EVITARNOS UN LOTE DE LIOS. EXCEPT PRETEND BE COMPLETELY THE CONTRARY^_^~ ============================================================ 😁😛😋 "Fake &Revel Capitulation of the Ego. Dancing (^;/balancing;^) with the Contrary for ever". ✌🏾😘💕